6.2 Import capabilities

Hollywood Designer has several import facilities. You can either import complete projects into the current one or you can import single pages or objects from pages of another project into the current project.

To import a whole project into the current one, select the "Import" menu item from the "Project" menu. The pages will be inserted after the currently active page. All data files of the project that is getting imported will also be copied to your current project's data folders. So you should make sure that there are no filename conflicts, i.e. make sure that the project that is to be imported does not use the same filenames than the current project. Also make sure that the project to be imported does not use any UIDs that are already in use in the current project. Otherwise, Hollywood Designer will abort the import operation.

To import a single page from another project into the current one, select the "Import" menu item from the "Page" menu.

To import all objects from a page in another project, select the "Import" menu item from the "Object" menu. In that case, the following dialog will be shown:

This dialog allows you to configure the following import options:

Change page events
This widget allows you to configure how Change page action events should be imported into the current project. You may choose between the following options here:

Reset all
All Change page action events will be redirected to the first page in the current project.

Resolve by page UID
Change page action events will be redirected to the page that has the same UID as the page referenced in the original project.

Resolve by page name
Change page action events will be redirected to the page that has the same name as the page referenced in the original project.

Resolve by page number
Change page action events will be redirected to the page that has the same number as the page referenced in the original project.

Import to
This widget allows you to configure whether objects should be imported into the current page only or into additional pages that you can specify by using the "Range" widget below.

This is only used if "Import to" has been set to "Current page and additional pages". In that case, you can enter a range of pages here that should receive the imported objects, e.g. the string "1,3-5,11" specifies pages 1, 3, 4, 5, and page 11.

Insert position for additional pages
When importing objects to additional pages, you can use this widget to specify where the objects should be inserted.

When importing objects and the languages of both projects are exactly the same, you can choose to import all languages as well, otherwise just a single language is imported and is copied to all the languages in the current project.

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