2.2 Frequently asked questions

This section covers some frequently asked questions. Please read them first before asking on the mailing list or forum because your problem might have been covered here.

Q: Why does GL Galore report all keyboard events in upper case notation?

A: That's a limitation of GLFW which is used by GL Galore. It currently doesn't allow listeners to distinguish between upper and lower case key presses when using raw keyboard listeners. See Known issues for details. If you have Hollywood 7.0 or better, you can just listen to the VanillaKey event handler to get the real keyboard events with full Unicode support.

Q: Why are the Y and Z keys swapped on German keyboards?

A: That's because GLFW's raw key listener is based on the US keyboard layout. See Known issues for details. If you are on Hollywood 7.0 or better, you can just listen to the VanillaKey event handler instead. This will give you the real keyboard events with full Unicode support.

Q: Is there a Hollywood forum where I can get in touch with other users?

A: Yes, please check out the "Community" section of the official Hollywood Portal online at http://www.hollywood-mal.com.

Q: How do I quit scripts that run in fullscreen mode?

A: Just press CTRL+C. This will always work except when CTRL+C has been explicitly disabled using Hollywood's CtrlCQuit() function.

Q: Where can I ask for help?

A: There's a lively forum at http://forums.hollywood-mal.com and we also have a mailing list which you can access at airsoft_hollywood@yahoogroups.com. Visit http://www.hollywood-mal.com for information on how to join the mailing list.

Q: I have found a bug.

A: Please post about it in the dedicated sections of the forum or the mailing list.

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