AddTab(pos, ...)
to the tabulator
list of Hollywood. Tabulators can only be used with the Print()
function. If there is a tabulator character in a string that is passed
to Print(), then it will jump to the next tabulator position.
You can clear the tabulator settings by calling ResetTabs().
New in V2.0: You can pass as many tabulator positions to this command as you like.
AddTab(100, 200, 300, 400) SetFontStyle(#UNDERLINED) NPrint("Last name\tFirst name\tAge\tGender\n") SetFontStyle(#NORMAL) NPrint("Doe\tJon\t34\tMale") NPrint("Smith\tMaggie\t25\tFemale") NPrint("...\t...\t...\t...")The above code displays a table using tabulators.