LoadPalette -- load a palette (V9.0)
[id] = LoadPalette(id, filename$[, table])
This function loads the palette specified by filename$ into memory and assigns the identifier id to it. If you pass Nil in id, LoadPalette() will automatically choose an identifier and return it.

The palette specified in filename$ can either be in the IFF ILBM palette format, as established by Deluxe Paint, or, alternatively, filename$ can also be a normal image file that contains a palette. In that case, LoadPalette() will simply extract the palette from the image file.

The third argument is optional. It is a table that can be used to set further options for the loading operation. The following fields of the table can be used:

This tag allows you to specify one or more format loaders that should be asked to load this palette. This must be set to a string containing the name(s) of one or more loader(s). Defaults to the loader set using SetDefaultLoader(). See Loaders and adapters for details.

This tag allows you to specify one or more file adapters that should be asked to open the specified file. This must be set to a string containing the name(s) of one or more adapter(s). Defaults to the adapter set using SetDefaultAdapter(). See Loaders and adapters for details.

This tag can be used to specify additional data that should be passed to loaders and adapters. If you use this tag, you must set it to a table of key-value pairs that contain the additional data that should be passed to plugins. See User tags for details. (V10.0)

This command is also available from the preprocessor: Use @PALETTE to preload palettes.

identifier for the palette or Nil for auto id selection
file to load
optional: further options (see above)
optional: identifier of the palette; will only be returned when you pass Nil as argument 1 (see above)
LoadPalette(1, "DPaint32.pal")
This loads "DPaint32.pal" as palette 1.

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