next, item = NextItem(table[, start])
returns the item that follows after the item start
in the
specified table. If start
is Nil, the first table item is returned.
If there is no item after start
, Nil is returned.
This function is mostly used to traverse all fields of the table in
argument 1. To do this, you pass the table in argument 1 and leave
out the second argument. NextItem()
then returns an index to the next
value in the table and the value at that table index. To traverse all
fields, you have to pass the next
value to NextItem()
as the second
argument and loop over it until the next
value is Nil.
When there are no more items in the table, Nil is returned and you can
terminate your loop. Be careful when checking variables against Nil
because 0=Nil is actually True
in Hollywood. Thus, GetType() is the only
reliable way to find out if a variable is really Nil. Simply checking
it against Nil would also result in True
if the variable was 0.
Do not expect this function to return the table fields in the order they were assigned. Hollywood often stores them in a different order.
or Nil if there are
no more itemsstart
t = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, "Hello World", {100, 200, 300}, [-1.5] = -1.5, b = 66, Function(s) DebugPrint(s) EndFunction} a, b = NextItem(t) While GetType(a) <> #NIL DebugPrint(b) a, b = NextItem(t, a) WendThe above code traverses a heterogenous table. The output will be the following:
2 3 4 5 Hello World Table: 74cbd42c Function: 74cbd3c8 1 -1.5 66 |
You see that the fields are returned in a different order than they were assigned.