xad.OpenArchive -- open a xad archive
[id] = xad.OpenArchive(id, filename$)
This function attempts to open the xad archive specified by filename$ and assigns id to it. If you pass Nil in id, xad.OpenArchive() will automatically choose a vacant identifier and return it. If the file does not exist, this function will fail.

Although xad.hwp will automatically close all open xad archives when it quits, it is strongly advised that you close an open xad archive when you are done with it using the xad.CloseArchive() function because otherwise you are wasting resources.

Note that xad.OpenArchive() will create a standard Hollywood object which can also be used with functions from Hollywood's object library such as GetAttribute(), SetObjectData(), GetObjectData(), etc. See xad.GetObjectType for details.

identifier of the file or Nil for auto id selection
name of the file to open
optional: identifier of the file; will only be returned when you pass Nil as argument 1 (see above)

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