[04 Feb 2007] Touchscreen (was: AOS4 Final- wainting for the update!)

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[04 Feb 2007] Touchscreen (was: AOS4 Final- wainting for the update!)

Post by lazi »

Note: This is an archived post that was originally sent to the Hollywood mailing list on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 22:56:56 +0100

Hello Andreas

Thank you very much for the report. I wish you can solve the problems.

As far as I can remember there was a mention somewhere about that somebody working on a touchscreen driver that somehow connected to Hollywood. Could you comment it? I saw that the MOS usb stack contains some support for it. Was there any succesful test of Hollywood with touchscreen?
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[04 Feb 2007] Re: Touchscreen (was: AOS4 Final- wainting for the update!)

Post by AJS »

Note: This is an archived post that was originally sent to the Hollywood mailing list on Sun, 4 Feb 2007 22:12:23 -0000

Hi Simon ( Rigo) has a working touch screen driver/hardware for OS4, but he is unsure if he'll release it. as at the moment I think its restricted to certain type of chips/touchscreens which aren't too cheap. I have use it at BigBash 3 it was running on a paint program seemed to work very well, pity that he didn't bring it to BigBash 4 I must admit I would like a touch screen for something I wish to do in the future

Regards Andy