Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

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Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by nmakk »

Dear All
I am totally new to Hollywood+Remedios, so I am sorry if I ask something trivial, but in the last 2 days I was trying to get a simple .hwa working under iOS with Remedios.

I went through:
- compiling the .hwa from a sample on MorphOS, transferring to macos (it is working there)
- installing XCode (11.4.1), with personal developer account
- went through the html instructions how to build an app from .hwa
- was successful with the build itself and the icon is appearing on the iPad (iOS 13.4.1)
- but when you press it nothing else happens, just a black screen pops up and then disappears (actually going on in the background but does not show anything but a black background).

I used sample .hwa, in this case TransitionFX (demo within Hollywood).

What basic step I am missing? The whole reason to buy Hollywood for me was to port things easily from Hollywood to iOS later on.

thank you

PS: XCode looks a bit different, but I think I found all elements described in the description, and the build itself seems to be successful and copied to the device.
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

Does it work in the simulator?
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by nmakk »

No, it is not working in the simulator either. Same happens: black screen that disappears.

Two aspects I did not mention:
-- I could not build it for iOS 8.0 (build was failing), so I needed to switch to build for minimum iOS13. (Not sure this is related, but this is the one step where I deviated from your Remedios description).
-- The current Xcode looks different when you add the Framework itself (there is no embedding binaries section anymore) - the remedios framework appears in a "Frameworks" folder as a file and not within Remedios.framework
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by nmakk »

Was trying to troubleshoot XCode -- I bumped into the following error message:

'Could not find a storyboard named 'Main' in bundle NSBundle

(this is highlighted in main.m on the row starting with: "return..." that is copied from the instructions.)
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

Ok, I've updated my Xcode to the latest version and quite some things seem to have changed there since July 2019 when Remedios was released. I'll update the Remedios docs soon to reflect these changes. To solve your problem I think you just need to do the following:

1) Delete the files SceneDelegate.h and SceneDelegate.m from your project.
2) Go to Info.plist and delete the item called "Application Scene Manifest" by clicking on the "-" button next to it.

Then choose "Clean Build Folder" from the "Product" menu, then "Run". It should work then.
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by nmakk »

Thank you!

My first test is working. Now it is time to learn Hollywood & co. :)
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

A new version of Remedios specifically designed for Xcode 11.5 is now available in the restricted download section for all Remedios customers. Note that people who use Xcode 10 don't have to upgrade. Upgrading is only recommended for users of Xcode 11.
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by nmakk »

Appreciate the update -- thanks for the support.
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by nmakk »

Just to confirm: the new instruction set works on Xcode Version 12.3 (12C33) as well. Today I created my app on a an M1 Mac via Xcode to an iPhone 12 Pro. All works fine!
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Re: Remedios with iOS 13.4.1

Post by airsoftsoftwair »

Good to know, thanks for testing!
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