Modal Dialogs in Linux Ubuntu

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Juan Carlos
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Re: Modal Dialogs in Linux Ubuntu

Post by Juan Carlos »

PEB wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:02 am Allow me to speak up for the silent masses of those who believe that not only should Andreas continue charging for major Hollywood updates, but that he should also start charging for all of the plugins that massively extend the abilities of Hollywood, that require of him untold hours of development time, and that he always provides to his customers free of charge.

Keep up the great work, Andreas!
(And keep charging for it!) :D
Well, he is is right to charging for the plugins, but you are forget the free alternatives and that this Amiga hobby where the money doesn't grow on trees.
I remember other payment languages like Dice C, etc., well, where are they today? and how people buy Hollywood? and do you think that charging for the plugins, they will use the programs or games that you do?
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Re: Modal Dialogs in Linux Ubuntu

Post by Clyde »

Well, no one forces you to use Hollywood. If you know free alternatives, please use them! It may be that you can't afford the updates because of lack of money. I am honestly sorry about it. But your complaints are slowly getting on my (our?) nerves. Sorry to say that.
Andreas should definitely charge us. And if you have trouble to afford it be kind and maybe ask for help here. Kind people will be helped, not so kind people not.
Currently using: Hollywood 9 with Windows IDE and Hollywood 9 with Visual Studio Code and hw4vsc
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Re: Modal Dialogs in Linux Ubuntu

Post by Juan Carlos »

Clyde wrote: Sat Dec 05, 2020 3:16 pm Well, no one forces you to use Hollywood. If you know free alternatives, please use them! It may be that you can't afford the updates because of lack of money. I am honestly sorry about it. But your complaints are slowly getting on my (our?) nerves. Sorry to say that.
Andreas should definitely charge us. And if you have trouble to afford it be kind and maybe ask for help here. Kind people will be helped, not so kind people not.
I haven't money problems, friend, I have problem of trust in this hobby, because Amiga is a hobby. Neither is reasonable that always the same people support to Hollywood like if this was a sect and Andreas our guru. And you should to more people, as I do.
Here my fault is to give voice to the people that bough one time the Hollywood but not the updates, the people that not buy Hollywood for the price, if we want a best Hollywood also we need more users not only four, because in the end we will be the sect of Hollywood and with answers like yours it seems.
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Re: Modal Dialogs in Linux Ubuntu

Post by Bugala »

Amiga is a Hobby because not enough many people are making enough money from it.

Personally I think Andreas pricing is very realistic. I don't know his actual income from Hollywood products, but I would estimate that he is probably making enough money to be able to concentrate on Hollywood full time. However, I don't think he is making a good income with it, but he probably makes enough to live with it, and maybe enough also to prepare for a rainy day and sudden lower sales of Hollywood.

If he would ask less, or not charge from some of the stuff he is charging now, then he might not make enough to live with it and would be forced to work elsewhere at the same time, making the time he can use for Hollywood much less, and then Hollywood itself would be much less complete than it now is.

Also, if he starts making enough, he can get to the next step, which is to hire another programmer to work with Hollywood, in which case Hollywood's production speed would double and that would make a significant difference again, or maybe hire a marketing guy to get more sales, which might be even better idea actually.

And yes, obviously best solution would be to get more users, in which case Andreas could hire more people while at same time lowering the price, but so far his attempts at significantly expanding the user base have not been very successful. So he has tried that, but failed. For example, long ago there came the Hollywood IDE for Windows, which I can imagine Andreas hoped to make it possible for Hollywood user base to greatly increase, but that didn't happen.

He has also tried giving discount prices to Hollywood, and for example, started selling single platform versions of Hollywood with a much-reduced price compared to being the whole package, etc. but none of these have (as far as I can see) significantly increased the user base.

However, I would argue that he has actually reduced the prices when the user base has grown. As an example those previously mentioned single platform versions. For while part of the reason for that might have been marketing, as in lowering the entry point to Hollywood, you can also see it as a discount to Hollywood users. Same with reduced upgrade prices.

All in all, I would say that with the given realistic options, Andreas doesn't have much other options but to balance the income through adjusting the pricing.

And by this I mean that obviously increasing the user base would be great, but that obviously is not a realistic option since Andreas hasn't succeeded in that before, so why would he now either?
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Juan Carlos
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Re: Modal Dialogs in Linux Ubuntu

Post by Juan Carlos »

First thank you for your words and post Bugala, you are write a serius words and answer.
The problem, in my case isn't the money, is the future of this hobby and the Hollywood hobby, Andreas will have listen the people and the suggestions and the users.
With Hollywood I don't belive that he get rich, but neither, we know when Hollywood users are there? and the future of Hollywood, because I'm interesting in the language to make programs and games for Amiga not for Android or iOS about the plugins, sometimes is better to have few plugins but very good than not so many and with bugs or missing feaures.

Other option to attratc and keep the users is with free updates, because this language is good but when you speak that you programing in Hollywood, you have to give a big explanation of what is Hollywood. But this is my personal opinion to try change the things to better this hobby.

Also I'm sorry for my bad english, I like write better but it is impossible and write in spanish, don't like to the people, and sometimes is difficult for me exaplain in english that I think in spanish.
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