
Show off your project created with Hollywood
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Re: EasyRapa

Post by SamuraiCrow »


The program has one serious bug in the way it generates its grid layout that has prevented me from testing it in Linux. It doesn't manifest itself in MorphOS so I assume the Windows version also doesn't manifest the bug so visually either.

After having looked at the source code, it appears to have been written in a top-down structured style which means that all the gadget types' codes are scattered throughout the code. I tried starting a more modular replacement but it is something that I don't wish to have to finish on my own. The author of EasyRapa doesn't have much time to work on it any more. I'm open to posting the source to my RapaEdit sources on GitHub for collaboration since mine is more nearly object-oriented and modular (though not as far along as EasyRapa).
I'm on registered MorphOS using FlowStudio.
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Re: EasyRapa

Post by tolkien »

What a shame!
I would like to collab with your version but Im not a good coder...not even with Hollywood! :( But I hope your code can grow with the help of someone.
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Re: EasyRapa

Post by ilbarbax »

Ok I uploaded version 1.0 to Aminet. Hope to have solved all the problems. Tested on Windows, OS4 and MorphOS and works fine for me. The two test cases are working, however were generated under windows on my installation, then the icons path will be wrong (you will receive a worning message on loading). Remember also to update, in Prefs, the path of your Hollywood installation to be able to test your scripts directly from the program.

User needs to enter a bit on the program way to work.

Let me know your comments and suggests.
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Location: Spain

Re: EasyRapa

Post by tolkien »

I'll give a try under MorphOS.
Thanks so much!
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Joined: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:41 pm

Re: EasyRapa

Post by ilbarbax »

A new version 1.1 of EasyRapa should be on queue on Aminet. Should because I'm not familiar with ftp upload and hope to have done the right things.
A lot of improvements have been done on the engine that is definitely faster on window system. Many problems have been ironed out.
New features have been added, first of all the possibility to attach external pieces of code named macro.
Moreover a tutorial has been added to drive you on the creation of your first EasyRapa project. Once you are familiar with EasyRapa behaviour you can create full working program including catalogs, menus, icon bar in very short times. I would say minutes.
Now ER keep in consideration your system information, so in relation to the Hollywood od RapaGui version you are using some features of the latest sytems wouldn't be considered or added as comment.
Finally the source code is included for brave people that want to catch some bug or collaborate, even if my way to code, some time, is hardly cohomprensible even to me. Debuging is quite difficult because there are two layers of coding influencing each other, ER one and Hollywood one.

Hope you can fin useful and productive this last version. awaiting for feedbacks and suggestions.

Here you have the list of the version 1.1 feature:
> Largely rewritten the engine using listview on project page
> Added functionality to handle Projects Catalogs
> Added feature "jump to item data". It highlights the searched item on project, lay_out, HWS and XML tabs
> Added feature "open Window definition"
> Added functionalities "add line" and "delete line" on Project tab. Multiple lines scetion allowed
> Added class htmlview
> Added functionality to rearrange lay-out by dragging boxes (Ctrl+click)
> Added intro animations
> Added possibility to save the current parameter definition as default class configuration of the definition file
> Added possibility to insert pre built code to some class (nemed Macro). Only to Button, Icons and Menues
> Added direct editing on project lines (only for brave and skilled people)
> Fixes on definitions of window, combobox, choice and listview
> Removed direct lines editing on project tab
> Improved post processor elaboration speed on Windows system
> Improved Preferences options and functionalities (added your Hollywood vers to allow users with an older Hol version to use anyway the compiler; projects now can be saved in any place)
> Now postprocessor handles different RapaGui versions (if you select to generate a XML/HWS according an older version, new functionalities are omitted or commented)
> Minor improvements on lay-out tab. Added more detailed messages
> Lost compatibility with 1.0 project files
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