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Saving apk compiler settings

Posted: Sun Aug 04, 2019 11:41 am
by amyren
I discovered that when saving a project, the acp file only saves the date entered in the project, icon etc tab, but not the settings tab.
The settings in that tab seem to follow apk compiler settings and not the project.

Now I do have 2 projects, and when publishing the second project on google play, google play console refused to accept my apks. To resolve that I had to create a new keystore and new credentials for the new project.
So I did update the apk compiler settings accordingly for this second program. But now I wanted to do an updated for the first program and discovered that those settings does not follow the acp file.
I do think that I might remember the credentials for both programs, but I'm not 100% sure, so I wont risk overwriting the settings just to find out that I have messed up both my apps. (I know, I should have writteen these down)
Luckily I had two computers set up for compiling that first program, so now I just keep app1 on first computer and app2 on the second.

But where are those apk compiler settings stored, can I make a backup of them?

And secondly, could the apk compiler be changed to save these settings as well together with the project settings?

Re: Saving apk compiler settings

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 7:46 pm
by airsoftsoftwair
The settings are meant to be global and not per project as this could get very confusing. They are stored in %APPDATA%/Roaming/AirsoftSoftwair/Hollywood/Preferences/com.airsoftsoftwair.apkcompiler.

Re: Saving apk compiler settings

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 8:22 pm
by amyren
Thanks, I now have made a backup of these two files from the different setups I have,

I did create a new app today at google play, and I discovered where I made the wrong decision last time.
At a point, just before where you come to the part where you can start uploading, you must do a selction regarding the app-signing key.
Default choice is the recommended one, to let google handle your signing keys.
Here I did choose the recommended way, and found there was no way to change that setting later for that app. The result was that I got errors when trying to upload my app, before I found that I had to generate a new keystore key for the new app.
This was also the reason behind this thread, since I suddenly had the need of different apk-compiler settings for my two first projects.

Looking back, I now see what I should have done: Just delete the app from google console and start over.

This time, I did it another way, by selecting not to let googe admininstrate my keys, and instead found that I could select to use an app-key from one of my previous apps.
I'm just posting this as a word of advice, so perhaps other users dont have to make the same mistake.