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Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 11:16 am
by fingus

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 7:31 pm
by Tuxedo
REALY nice but as stated on Os4Depot while you dont add the compositing support I cat use it... I hate the fake transparent method...sorry :(
Why dont put it simply enabling it with ToolTypes?

And now one bug:

I noticed that flipclock makes a semaphore or something like that in "T:", a "fc" file containing the icon of the whether was placed and if you close flipclock and reopen it it wont open since it complain about no multiple instances can be launched...but the "fc" file wasnt deleted on flipclock exit so you cant launch it again while you dont delete the file manually...

And now some whishes:

- plz make some sort of flipclock thems with various sizes... its really too big for me (and I use 1680x1050 screen)

- add some sort of organizer I use it quite often in LimpidCock...

keep up good work!!!!

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:12 am
by djrikki
FAO Andreas,

Hey, is there any chance of adding support for creating transparent displays/windows? I tried to do the same thing as Fingus sometime ago, using the GrabDesktop() trick - doesn't really work very well - users did need to move windows right!

I bet I am not the only who would also like to create a Splash window - transparency is needed there too.

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:52 am
by fingus
REALY nice but as stated on Os4Depot while you dont add the compositing support I cat use it... I hate the fake transparent method...sorry
Why dont put it simply enabling it with ToolTypes?
It will come, maybe with autodetection!

There seem to be a restriction with compositing enabled windows:

If you transparency-settings for inactive Windows is set t oa strong transparency-value, than flipclock is nearly not visible if inactive window in the background!

That was the reason why i first prefer to implement the faked transparency!
And now one bug:

I noticed that flipclock makes a semaphore or something like that in "T:", a "fc" file containing the icon of the whether was placed and if you close flipclock and reopen it it wont open since it complain about no multiple instances can be launched...but the "fc" file wasnt deleted on flipclock exit so you cant launch it again while you dont delete the file manually...
Thats rather a bug then a bad implemented multiple instances detection. I removed it completely in V1.1 and will write a new one!
And now some whishes:

- plz make some sort of flipclock thems with various sizes... its really too big for me (and I use 1680x1050 screen)

Its not planned to support themes. Flipclock will get the resize function with compositing introduction.
- add some sort of organizer I use it quite often in LimpidCock...
No, it´s not the intention of Flipclock to be more than a Weather-Flipclock.
I will rather focus on things like adding Flipclock-Animation, Autosearch you weather location and removing bugs.

Maybe after that i will start a new project that will fullfill your wishes.

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 1:57 am
by djrikki
- add some sort of organizer I use it quite often in LimpidCock...
Hi Tuxedo, Jack will be getting some sort of Organiser in the not too distant future.. so watch this space.

I hope to add support for:

* Google Calendar
* iCal/variants
* AOrganiser; it has more of an OS4 feel than LimpId Clock


Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 9:02 pm
by Tuxedo

nice tool but I prefer the gfx theme of LimpidClock or Flipclock...
yours many windows wasnt so nice for my taste..

For sure a really nice and complete tool but not to be shown constantly over the wb imho...

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 12:45 am
by djrikki
Tuxedo wrote:@djrikki

nice tool but I prefer the gfx theme of LimpidClock or Flipclock...
yours many windows wasnt so nice for my taste..

For sure a really nice and complete tool but not to be shown constantly over the wb imho...
Yup I do see your point. I hope you like Jack 2.4 which is now on OS4Depot as it allows some of the interface to be 'rolled-up' to reduce screen space taken up by Jack.

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 1:52 pm
by djrikki

How about this for an idea? Its just a suggestion.

Instead of absolute X and Y positioning - give the user the option to position it Top left/right or Bottom left/right.
You could go further of course and do Center/Left and Center/Right.

This is untested as I writing it directly into the forum (haha) but hopefully you can tweak it as necessary.

Code: Select all

Global flipwidth ; the width of the flipclock window
Global flipheight ; the height of the flipclock window
Global userlocation ; take this from tooltypes the usual way

Function p_WindowPosition(X,Y)
Local screenwidth = GetAttribute(#DISPLAY,0,#ATTRHOSTWIDTH)
Local screenheight = GetAttribute(#DISPLAY,0,#ATTRHOSTHEIGHT)
Local padding = 20 ; this could even be set by the user through the tooltypes

If userlocation = "TR" ; top right
x = screenwidth-padding-flipwidth
y = padding+12
ElseIf userlocation = "TL" ; top left
x = padding
y = padding+12
ElseIf userlocation = "BL" ; bottom right
x = padding
y = screenheight-padding-flipheight-12
ElseIf userlocation = "BR" ; bottom right
x = screenwidth-padding-flipwidth
y = screenheight-padding-flipheight-12

Return (x,y)

Local x,y = p_WindowPosition()
CreateDisplay (0, { title = "title", fixed = true, X = x, Y = y, width = flipwidth, height = flipheight} )
If GetLastError() > 0
SystemRequest("error","padding too large, can't open window off the screen","Doh",#REQICON_WARNING)

; the rest of your program

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:50 pm
by fingus

theres noting wrong with my positioning-system, but thank you for your suggestion, what the users really want is compositing, nothing else ;-)

Re: Flipclock V1.0

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 10:03 pm
by airsoftsoftwair
djrikki wrote:FAO Andreas,

Hey, is there any chance of adding support for creating transparent displays/windows? I tried to do the same thing as Fingus sometime ago, using the GrabDesktop() trick - doesn't really work very well - users did need to move windows right!
Um, display transparency is already possible... check out the AlphaApple/WBApple example that comes with Hollywood. It shows you how to create really slick alpha transparent displays. There is really no need to use the hacky GrabDesktop() trick.