I am working on a database for magazines as a start with Hollywood and stumbled upon SQLite3 which seems to be a good plugin to use for that purpose.
I am very new to SQL. I tried my first steps with inserting data into a sql database. I oriented myself on the demo code which came with the plugin download. but my version doesn't work. any hints appreciated and I will come to more questions probably.
Code: Select all
@REQUIRE "sqlite3"
db = sqlite3.open_memory()
db:exec([[ CREATE TABLE test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name, publisher, year, issue,language,systems,isbn, condition) ]])
;stmt = db:prepare([[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (:key, :value) ]])
Function p_Bind(k,nam, publishe, yea, issu,languag,system,isb, conditio) ; key , value
stmt = db:prepare([[ INSERT INTO test VALUES (:key, :name, :publisher, :year, :issue, :language, :systems, :isbn, :condition ) ]])
stmt:bind_names({ key = k, name=nam, publisher=publishe, year=yea, issue=issu,language=languag,systems=system,isbn=isb, condition=conditio})
Local m1 = {name = "64er",
publisher = "M&T",
year = 1986,
issue = 1,
language = "german",
systems = {"C64","VC20"},
isbn = "123-456789-123-0",
condition = 1
Local m2= {name = "Amiga Future",
publisher = "APC&TCP",
year = 2023,
issue = 126,
language = "german",
systems = {"Amiga"},
isbn = "123-765443-123-0",
condition = 1
p_Bind(NULL,name = "64er", publisher = "M&T", year = "1986", issue = "1", language = "german", systems = "C64", isbn = "123-456789-123-0", condition = "1")
For row In db:nrows("SELECT * FROM test")
DebugPrint(row.id, row.publisher)