RemoveIconImage(id, idx)
. The image
to be removed must be specified by its index using the idx
parameter. Indices start at 1 for
the first image and run up to the number of images in the icon. You can query the number of
images in an icon by using the #ATTRNUMENTRIES
attribute with GetAttribute().
Note that the individual images inside icons are sorted by their width in ascending order.
This means that the indices passed to RemoveIconImage()
aren't necessarily the same as
the order of images passed to functions like CreateIcon() or the
@ICON preprocessor command.
Since icons must contain at least one image, it's also not allowed to remove the very last image from an icon.
To add images to icons, use the AddIconImage() function.
RemoveIconImage(1, 1)The code above removes the first image from icon 1.