Table of contents
1. General information
2. Getting started
3. Console usage
4. Compiler and linker
5. Plugins
6. History and compatibility
7. Language overview
8. Data types
9. Expressions and operators
10. Variables and constants
11. Program flow
12. Functions
13. Unicode support
14. Troubleshooting
15. Tutorials
16. Amiga support library
17. Anim library
18. Application library
19. Asynchronous operation library
20. BGPic library
21. Brush library
22. Clipboard library
23. Console library
24. Debug library
25. Display library
26. DOS library
27. Draw library
28. Error management library
29. Event library
30. Graphics library
31. Icon library
32. IPC library
33. Joystick library
34. Layers library
35. Legacy library
36. Locale library
37. Math library
38. Memory block library
39. Menu library
40. Mobile support library
41. Mouse pointer library
42. Network library
43. Object library
44. Palette library
44.1. Overview
44.2. ContrastPalette
44.3. CopyPalette
44.4. CopyPens
44.5. CreatePalette
44.6. CyclePalette
44.7. ExtractPalette
44.8. FreePalette
44.9. GammaPalette
44.10. GetBestPen
44.11. GetFreePen
44.12. GetPalettePen
44.13. GetPen
44.14. InvertPalette
44.15. LoadPalette
44.16. ModulatePalette
44.17. PALETTE
44.18. PaletteToGray
44.19. ReadPen
44.20. SavePalette
44.21. SelectPalette
44.22. SetBorderPen
44.23. SetBulletPen
44.24. SetCycleTable
44.25. SetDepth
44.26. SetDitherMode
44.27. SetDrawPen
44.28. SetGradientPalette
44.29. SetPalette
44.30. SetPaletteDepth
44.31. SetPaletteMode
44.32. SetPalettePen
44.33. SetPaletteTransparentPen
44.34. SetPen
44.35. SetShadowPen
44.36. SetStandardPalette
44.37. SetTransparentPen
44.38. SetTransparentThreshold
44.39. SolarizePalette
44.40. TintPalette
44.41. WritePen
45. Plugin library
46. Requester library
47. Serial port library
48. Serializer library
49. Sound library
50. Sprite library
51. String library
52. System library
53. Table library
54. Text library
55. Time library
56. Vectorgraphics library
57. Video library
58. Windows support library
A. Licenses